‘Respite care’ is short pockets of assistance, support and care offered for whatever your need, to give some light relief and make life a little easier. Cover can be offered for short-term breaks – anything from 3-6 hours at a time.

It is essential for 3 types of people, for different reasons.

1. You may have noticed that you need a bit of assistance with certain tasks.
Perhaps you need needs support for things you cannot manage any longer, like driving, attending appointments, (e.g., paying accounts, shopping, driving, attending appointments, having a companion, etc.). There is no shame in having a little bit of assistance, as and when you feel you just cannot do something as well as you used to or at all and especially for tasks that could result in you injuring yourself. A respite carer could for example, come in and clean out and tidy up cupboards that need access on a ladder.

It’s common not to want to feel like a burden on other family members, which can sometimes lead to guilt and frustration. Interacting with new people through respite care can help remove these feelings. Whether you would like respite care for one night, a few days, or even a week or two, it can offer a change of scenery, routine, and people to interact with, with the added benefit of not suffering from social isolation within your own home

2. You care for a family member in need.
Respite care means taking a break from caring. Although extremely rewarding, caring for a loved one can be a particularly challenging and stressful experience. There is no shame in needing a break if you are caring for a loved one in need. You have your life to live too, and to keep that running smoothly and give your loved one the best possible care, support, and attention, it is imperative that you take some time ‘off’ to recharge, rejuvenate, refresh, and give attention to personal obligations too. In doing this, you will prevent burnout, short fuses, and relieve stress and worry. Respite carers offer a safe, and supportive place for your loved ones, while you recharge & rejuvenate.

3. You are a carer, caring for someone in need.
Your carer will require a few hours off if they are in a live-in role. 24/7 care can be emotionally, mentally, and physically draining leaving your carer worn out, drained, tired, and unmotivated. This leads to a breakdown in quality care so allowing your carer a few hours off to rest and relax with benefit both of you in the long run. With respite care you will still have care and support while your regular carer is recharging and taking care of themselves to take the best care of you, upon their return.

You can have respite care for a few hours, a day, a few days, a week or even a few weeks or one month, with no obligation to extend it. Trained professional caregivers can sit & talk, bathe, dress, feed, assist with meds, help with exercises/ walks, Dance, paint, read, play games, build puzzles, take loved ones outdoors as well as assist them with getting in & out of bed, to name a few tasks.

Benefits of Respite Care in the comfort of your own home:

1. Allows time for rest & recuperation – Caring can be a highly demanding and challenging responsibility and Respite care provides an opportunity to obtain some short-term rest, which is essential for the carer to maintain their own mental health and well-being, a reduced level of stress for both the carer and family, allowing for greater levels of patience, more time to interact with family and friends, and a strengthened and improved relationship between the carer and the individual who requires care.
2. Creates a chance to tend to personal needs – Respite care is a great solution that allows caregivers to free up some time for themselves whilst their loved one is cared for by a trustworthy and experienced professional.
3. Relieves pressure and stress – Typically, over extensive periods of time, pressure and stress can build between carer and patient. Many issues can arise, such as the individual in care feeling a loss of dependence or guilt. Whilst the carer may struggle with the transition of juggling their own life with the newfound commitments of caring for another.
4. Helps to prevent social isolation – Respite care can help provide you with the vital time needed for yourself, friends, and family. Not only is this time essential for your own mental well-being, but it also eliminates the possibility of harboring resentment and risks of burnout.

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    Quality care in the comfort of your own home

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